Thursday, May 8, 2014

Butterly at Paddy Field

I woke up late on Sunday morning. And saw nothing in the sky even the sun shined. So I planned not to take landscape shot and managed to bring my Tokina 100mm lens instead to accompany the Olympus E-PL5 camera. Hoped to get some macro shots at the Sekejati Paddy Field. Not to great macro shots, and here are some of the results:

The sun already was high in the sky. And I managed to capture the frame mostly with widely-opened aperture to get fastest shutter speed available. The macro lens wasn't the native brand so I mounted it through adapter and had to be in manual focus as consequences.

The hardest thing to use the adapter is I the LCD goes brighter or darker as I change the aperture. And if I shut the aperture, it only judgement whether in what f stop I was. Because I only can change aperture not through the aperture dial but at the switch on the adapter.